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A Complete Lawn Care Solution

The Subscription

What’s Included?

  • Mowing

    We mow three to five times per month as your yard needs it. Because we have your lawn’s long-term health in mind, we cut the grass short in the Spring and Fall, and leave it long in the Summer.

    We use commercial walk-behind and zero-turn riding mowers that have level decks and sharp blades. We guarantee every Upkeep employee who comes to your house knows how to operate our commercial equipment expertly and safely.

  • Trimming

    If you are a new customer, we will use a manual edger the first time we service your yard. Manual edging separates your driveway and sidewalks from the yard with a clean line that produces a nice, crisp look.

    While trimming, we take care of high spots in areas our mowers can’t get to as well as around trees, bush lines, hills, and around the perimeter of the house.

  • Cleanup

    The first time we service your lawn, we will perform a yard blowout, blowing the whole yard out inch by inch. Cleaning out all the dead grass, leaves, rocks/gravel, and debris will give your soil the best chance to absorb water and produce thick green grass.

    After cutting, we blow clippings off sidewalks, porches, hardscapes, and driveways. We clean up messes we make. If there is an excessive amount of clippings left in the yard, we will blow them out. We always mulch, bag, and dispose of any debris in your yard wastebin.

  • Fertilization & Weed Control

    An Upkeep subscription entitles you to four fertilizer applications and three weed control applications per year (see detailed timeline below).

    All the products we use are child and pet friendly. For the record, we are not an "all organic" company, we’re more of an "all natural" company. We train your yard to naturally take care of itself. As a rule, we refrain from using harsh chemicals and products that have the potential to hurt you or your lawn. There are however, certain situations where the condition of a yard requires us to use a product we’re not entirely happy about.


  • Seasonal Fertilizer & Pre-emergent Weed Control

    We fertilize your lawn early to jumpstart it’s growth and put down a blanket of pre-emergent weed control to kill leftover weeds from last year and take care of any new weeds before they become a problem.


  • Broadleaf Weed Control

    Broadleaf weeds are stubborn weeds. We apply a broadleaf weed killer when weeds are most abundant in late spring after germination so your lawn looks better for the summer. Pesky weeds are popping up in April, so this application is vitally important to achieving a weed-free lawn each year!


  • Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer

    Because it is dangerous to apply a liquid weed control product to your lawn in the heat of the summer, we use a slow release nitrogen fertilizer. If any weeds survive, a light granular weed killer will be applied at summer’s end.


  • Heavy Fertilization & Weed Control

    Fall is by far the best time to fertilize, aerate, seed, and apply weed control. If you’ve been a subscriber since March, this is the point in the season where your neighbors’ lawns will be turning a lighter green or even brown while yours continues to boast a lush, dark green. We’ll further support your lawn with a dose of our custom-tailored fertilizer and weed control.


  • Winterizer

    On the last cut of the season, we will apply a winterizer fertilizer to hibernate your lawn and help it develop a healthy root system. It will also give your lawn the best chance for a fast green-up next Spring.

Add-on Services

Upkeep provides several lawn care services that aren’t included in a monthly subscription, but could be a strength to your lawn’s success each season. Simply let us know what you need done and we will add it to your monthly charge. It’s easy.

  • Starts at $35

  • Extra Weed Control Application

    If you can’t stand minor weeds popping up between regular treatments, additional weed control can be applied between May and July, as well as late September through late October.

    $35 for lawns under 5,000 square feet; $50 for lawns 5,000 – 10,000 square feet

  • Starts at $80

  • Aeration

    Aeration is one of the most fundamental lawn treatments available. To develop healthy soil, an aerator machine makes finger sized holes in your yard. By breaking down clay and compacted soils that stunt nutrients, air, and water from reaching the root structure of your lawn, aeration opens your soil’s ‘pores,’ allowing for the best possible water absorption. It also assists in clearing out thatch. You always want to aerate in the Fall. In some cases, an early Spring aeration might be warranted.

    $80 for lawns under 5,000 square feet; $100 for lawns 5,000 – 10,000 square feet

  • Starts at $100

  • Overseeding

    Often done alongside aeration, seed and fertilizer is spread in the Fall to thicken up the turf and prepare for winter. Fall is the best time to plant grass. It has plenty of time to grow and develop healthy roots in preparation for Winter. The payoff is a healthy, thick, green lawn in the Spring.

    $100 for lawns under 5,000 square feet; $150 for lawns 5,000 – 10,000 square feet

  • Starts at $50

  • Grub & Insect Control

    If requested, we apply grub and insect control products preventatively in the Summer. If you wait for bugs to take up residence in your lawn, you will have a much harder time getting rid of them. Chronic patchy spots and wilting turf along with high bird and mole population are indicators of a grub infested lawn.

    $50 for lawns under 5,000 square feet; $70 for lawns 5,000 – 10,000 square feet

Subscription Pricing

$200/month ($50/wk) for lawns under 5,000 sqft.
$300/month ($75/wk) for lawns 5,000 – 10,000 sqft.
Custom Quote for lawns over 10,000 sqft.

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