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How to Properly Fertilize Your Lawn

Step 4: Apply!

The best way to fertilize a lawn is to use a granular product and apply it with a broadcast spreader.

  1. Set the spreader to proper broadcast level per the fertilizer product’s recommendation.

  2. Start by applying fertilizer around the perimeter of the lawn, working counter-clockwise. Why counter-clockwise? Because most spreaders have an “edge guard” on the right side of the spreader. Keeping the edge guard engaged while spreading keeps your sidewalks and driveways free of fertilizer. Your neighbors will appreciate this courtesy!

  3. After you have taken care of the edges, move back and forth across the lawn so that there is a slight overlap to your pattern. This will ensure you cover the whole lawn.

Properly fertilizing your lawn will give it the essential nutrients, especially nitrogen, it needs to radiant health and beauty. If the above instructions are a bit on the daunting side, or you know your schedule doesn’t allow for such maintenance, hire Upkeep to handle your lawn’s fertilization requirements. We will test your soil and determine the best course of action. We know what kind of fertilizer is needed for each grass type and time of year, as well as how much to use and how to apply it. You will have confidence that your lawn is in good hands and getting the nutrition it needs.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

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