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How To Properly Water Your Yard

How Long To Water

A good rule of thumb is that grass needs 1.5 inches of water per irrigation. Typically, 30 minutes of watering each day it doesn’t rain will do the job (however, if you have tough soil, don’t be surprised if you need to water a bit longer).

If you want to test exactly how long to water, place a couple of shallow containers (baking pans will do) around the yard for 30 minutes while watering. Measure (in inches) the depth of water accumulated in the containers. Take the average depth of water in the containers and multiply that number by two. Now you know the inches of water per hour emitted by your sprinkler system.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

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