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Five Weed-Defeating Secrets everyone should know.

I’m not going to lie: the title of this post is purposefully misleading. It was designed to get you to click on it. The most honest title for this post is probably something like, “Five Somewhat Easy But Lengthy Steps To Train Your Lawn To Defeat Weeds Naturally.” But who would click on that?

Nonetheless, while my title was misleading, my claim is true: you can train your lawn to defeat weeds. But before we show you how, let’s take a quick look as to why your lawn has persistent weeds that rear their ugly heads each season:

  1. Weeds were not removed completely and part of their roots survived in the soil.

  2. The wind blew seeds from neighboring yards into yours.

  3. Your grass is not dense enough; bare spots invite weeds in.

  4. The soil is unhealthy, which encourages weeds to grow and spread.

The last two reasons (3 and 4) are problems that can be solved through simple work – assuming you’re willing to be patient and strategic. Patience is essential, as it will take you a couple seasons to train your lawn. Yes, I just said, “a couple” seasons. Executing these weed defeating secrets requires time and patience.

One last thing before we go any further: Our five secrets are all contingent on you believing in the process of “training” your yard to take care of itself. As you probably know, training takes time in almost any endeavor you begin; training your lawn is no different. You will be training it to absorb water. Training it to develop healthy roots. Training it to block weeds out. Training it to withstand hot and dry weather. Though you’ll spend a little bit of time training your lawn upfront, once it’s stable and taking care of itself, you’ll save all kinds of time and money in the long run.

And your yard will look spectacular.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

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