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Five Weed-Defeating Secrets everyone should know.

Secret #2 – Water
The second most important aspect to a weed free lawn.

Pop quiz: From a weed’s perspective, what is the most attractive kind of lawn to live in?

Considering this section is titled "water," hopefully you answered "a dry lawn."

Weeds love the heat and they hate being wet. They thrive in dry, unhealthy soil. Herein lies the secret: watering your lawn keeps it moist, encourages root development in grass and discourages root development in weeds. Weeds cannot survive in healthy soil, period. Watering is the key to cultivating healthy soil.

You should read our post about proper watering, but the main points are here:

  1. Water any day it doesn’t rain in the hottest parts of the summer.

  2. Between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. is the best timeframe to water a lawn.

  3. Water for 15-30 minutes. Don’t let the lawn get sloppy wet or puddle.

  4. To be sure you’re watering properly, catch some water in a pan to see that you’ve water to a depth of 1.5 inches.

  5. Aerating in the Spring and/or Fall is a great way to break up clay in tough compacted soil. Helping your soil absorb water.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

How To Properly Water Your Yard

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