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Five Weed-Defeating Secrets everyone should know.

Secret #5 – Aerate and Overseed

Aerating should be done annually in the Fall. It breaks up tough clay deposits and compacted soil. It opens up the yard to absorb water more efficiently and reintroduces nutrients into the soil.

After you’ve aerated, you might consider overseeding if you have patchy spots. You’ll want to do this each season until you’ve developed a dense lawn. Again, weeds thrive in dry, patchy yards. Crabgrass finds it’s way into those patchy spots. If you keep your lawn thick, there is no room for weeds or crabgrass.

To recap, our primary methods of natural weed control will be:

  1. Mow frequently and not too short

  2. Water deeply, but not too often

  3. Improve your soil

  4. Blow the yard out regularly

  5. Aeration and Overseeding in the Fall

  6. Keep grass dense, moist, and shady to block out weeds

  7. Protect your grass from the heat

Your lawn has the amazing ability to control weeds on its own. The problem is that it has probably never had the chance to try. By applying the five secrets above, you can train it to fend for itself. Once it learns how, you will be able to enjoy a beautiful, weed-free lawn that has an integrity few lawns can match.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

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