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The Four Craziest Things We Saw This Year

When it comes to lawn care, our philosophy is: “To each his own.” While our approach is rooted in plenty of research and adherence to best practices, we know people have other ideas. It shows, but we don’t judge. We do, however, save the funniest stories and tell them at the end of the work day. Join us around our virtual water cooler for the four craziest things we saw this year. Names have been withheld to protect the unfortunate.

So Long Seed

As you might be able to tell from our how-to posts, we’re all for the homeowner who wants to do the work himself or herself. So, in theory, it warmed our hearts to see a man scattering grass seed in his lawn as we were on the way to a job one afternoon. Warmth, however, was precisely the problem. It was a blazing hot afternoon. Worse, he was not covering the seed with topsoil to keep the birds from eating it and he wasn’t watering any part of his yard. Worstest (go with it), he was indiscriminately throwing seed, as if the volume of seed scattered would make up for the heat, dryness and the vulnerability of the seed. Throughout his lawn, we could see white pockets that contained the grass seed from past failed attempts to seed. But he was persistent; when his bag was empty, he dropped it to the ground, immediately grabbed another, and went back to work. We still wonder to each other if it ever dawned on him that his strategy just didn’t work.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

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