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The Four Craziest Things We Saw This Year

Potholes on My Lawn

There are many ways to kill your grass, but one sure way it to leave something on it for days and weeks at a time. Garbage bins, kiddie pools, sandboxes–without sunlight and water, your grass is doomed. But hey, we all make trade-offs. For some, a refreshing pool is more valuable than the grass smushed beneath it; and it isn’t always easy to find places for garbage and recycling bins. But one house we saw had not one or two discolored patches where heavy objects had one sat, but, oh, 57 (give or take)! The lawn was peppered with the pale green or outright brown memories of what used to be grass and, overshadowing the rest, was the unmistakable negative of a now-removed above ground swimming pool. The lesson here: be judicious about what sits upon your grass. We still wonder to each other what that must have looked like from the sky.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

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