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Three Myths About Fertilizer Application

If you want a lush, beautiful, green yard, how you approach fertilizer application can make all the difference. But is fertilizer really necessary? If so, how much is too much? Would a subscription to a chemical weed control and fertilization service be the best route to take? Let’s look at some popular myths about this crucial area of fertilizer application.

Myth: My lawn already looks great, so fertilizer isn’t necessary.

Fact: If your lawn is thriving, that actually means it is expending more energy and absorbing more nutrients. If the energy demand is high, but there are no longer nutrients to fuel it, you will be looking at dry, yellow grass before you know it.

Myth: Well, then, if fertilizer is good for my lawn, then the more the better!

Fact: While we respect the fact that some lawns have special needs, we are firm believers that three fertilizations per year is all a lawn requires. An early Spring Treatment to jumpstart growth, a Summer Guard Treatment before the heat hits, and a WinterGuard application that puts your lawn to sleep and protects it against cold weather will deliver the right amount of nutrients at the specific times your lawn most needs it.

Myth: I need a chemical weed control and fertilization service in order to get this right.

Fact: We believe that by following the fertilization intervals given above, anyone can take proper care of their yard’s fertilization needs; however, you can hire Upkeep to apply fertilizer in any season. When we visit, we will test your soil and determine if fertilization is necessary and, if so, what kind to use and how much. We will make recommendations and offer free advice to ensure your lawn gets what it needs to thrive.

Knowing when to apply fertilizer, how much, and what kind to apply is vitally important to all lawns, especially the nicest ones. Don’t get fooled by the myths above, and contact us if you are interested in improving your lawn’s health through proper fertilizer application.

  • Matt Oatley

    Matt is a founder and partner of Upkeep. He has been a lawn nut for many years. He has the greenest, thickest, weed-free lawn in his neighborhood.

How to Properly Fertilize Your Lawn

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